

In this installation, a wind-sock is set in a room likely to produce draughts while windows are open on opposite sides of the building.
When the access door to the room is shut, the wind-sock is still.
When someone opens the door, there is a draught that makes the wind-sock rise.
Part of the room is half separated by a wall, such as the visitor cannot see the draught he produces when he enters the room; he originates the draught that precedes him in the room.
Once inside, the visitor can anticipate the arrival of another one, seeing the wind-sock rising (a warning sign), and realising what he himself produced when he entered the room.



This project is about the perception of inside and outside spaces. The point is to play inside a building the sound of the outside captured live from the roof of this same building.
Through a system of ropes, pulleys and a windward sail, the sound played inside is varying in intensity (volume) according to the outside conditions of weather.
In french there is a pun about the word "ecoute" which means "listen", as an invitation to pay auditive attention, but in sailing vocabulary, "ecoute" also designates the ropes used on boats to control the sails, as a tactile listening.

- Out on the roof, a sail is set on a 360° rotative axis, windward. The sail is linked to ropes that bend or unbend according to the force of the wind.
- Those ropes extend from the sail, alongside the building to the inside space, guided by pulleys. The tension relative to the wind has an effect on the ropes to their extremity inside the building.
- the inside extremity is tied to the cursor of a potentiometer controlling the volume of the sound played.
The stronger the wind is, the more the tension on the rope increases and pull on the cursor of the potentiometer, increasing the volume.
- The sound is captured live from the roof via a multidirectional microphone, and played inside via a speaker controlled by the potentiometer.

The whole system of pulleys, ropes, cables that link the outside to the inside shall be visible.
The project is related to time, constantly changing since it is in accordance with the outside conditions of weather.


Installation vidéo

Hertz est une installation vidéo jouant sur la perception des énergies qui permettent sa propre diffusion. Une vidéo projetée montre un plan fixe sur des antennes placées sur un toit, tendues vers un ciel sombre, éclairé de temps à autres par des éclairs plus ou moins violents.

En parallèle, un moniteur affublé d’une antenne de réception pointée vers la projection, semble ne diffuser que du bruit visuel, de la “neige” hertzienne. Mais quand un éclair surgit dans la séquence projetée, l’image s’affiche aussi sur le moniteur. Le spectateur n’est évidemment pas dupe de la supercherie du montage, mais il s’agit là d’interroger les énergies physiques impalpables (électricité, lumière, ondes) qui sont à l’origine de la diffusion des images.

Piece sonore

Sound installation

The principle of this project is to use piezos (contact microphones), stuck on the various surfaces of a room and linked to an amplification system.
Piezos capture the weakest vibrations and sounds coming from the other side of the walls, roof, windows, ground, and from the inside of the room itself.
Those sounds are amplified, and displayed, producing an unidentifiable sound; capturing those sound sources that we don't normally hear, means making the unheard heard.
Walls, doors, windows, roof, ground are used as surfaces of resonance and bring the outside in the inside.
Space is experienced by what is external to itself, by what surrounds it.
A door being opened, a noise from the outside or the steeping of visitors will create sound directly transmitted in an unidentifiable sound layer.

Piece espace public

Public space installation

This project is about what's hidden from the surface of an urban environnement.
The principle is to derive the images produced by the CCTV cameras in the subway network, and to display (videoprojection) those images to the surface on the ground, right above the place where the footage is being shot underground.
What is at stake is the question of what's hidden / what's shown, the public and the private spheres that are jeopardized by the CCTV system.
The underground image produced is stolen, and divulged to the surface, showing what happens underneath but also emphasizing the very probable presence of video cameras on the surface.
The passer-by has a video-projector over his head showing him the unseen, but at the same time, he is very likely to have also a CCTV camera filming him, hidden somewhere.
The project aims at putting the video surveillance system on a closed circuit, pointing at its absurdity.

Reseau son

Public space installation

Sound project in public space ; the principle is to make a sound footage down in the underground sewer networks, drainpipes, and to amplify this sound and cast it from the same underground networks.
The sound of waters flowing underground would be thus audible from the surface via the grids and drains in the gutters
The purpose is to bring an underground network to the surface, using its own characteristics (sound of water flowing, echo, links with the surface), and then to emphasize an urban reality wich we are not aware of, but that is part of our spaces of living.